Indoor Games for Kids…with Tape!
I’m sure you’re wondering how tape could possibly entertain your child. As a PT, I’ve learned to love how versatile tape can be for kids. It’s cheap, easy to clean up, and the ideas are endless. I’m here to show you a few fun ways to keep your kids busy while simultaneously working on some pretty important motor skills! My advice is to use paper masking tape for the easiest cleanup.
#1 Tape out 2 or 3 different shapes (triangle, square, star, etc…) on the floor. Have your children jump only to the shape you call out, allowing them to work on jumping, coordination, and balance skills. If that’s too easy, decide on an exercise for each shape they jump to. For example, do 5 jumping jacks when you land on a star, 30 second silly dance on triangles, and stand on one foot on the squares.
#2 Obstacle Course: This is where you get to be a little more creative and can involve your child in designing the course. Here are a few ideas to try:
marking out lines of different distances for them to jump to
straight, squiggly, or zigzag lines to practice balance by walking heel to toe
spirals for them to spin on or jump in circles
small lines in a side to side pattern similar to hopscotch
use different colors to mark places to run or walk slowly
designate shapes to practice skills like standing or jumping on one leg
#3 Hallway Maze: In this game, you’re going to stick the tape across the hallway to create a maze for your children to step over, jump, or crawl under (think jewelry thief avoiding the laser beams). This game is great to practice gross motor skills in a fun and entertaining way that children won’t even notice they are exercising.
#4 Create a toy car pathway. This will require children to move along with the pathway resulting in crawling, sit to stands, and reaching overhead to challenge body movements.
#5 Design a pathway for them to follow throughout the house. Make it challenging for your child. This may include:
Crawling under the table
Balancing on pillows on the floor
Walking up stairs
Jumping over an obstacle
Walking over different textured surfaces or different heights
When the kids are done playing, allow them to pull up the tape. This is a great fine motor activity for small hands!
Let us know if you try any of these activities or if you need some more ideas specifically for your child. Send us a message on Facebook or email at